Thursday, August 1, 2019

Medical vocabulary. Job vocabulary.

Getting injured

-Hello. How’re you doing?  I heard that you injured your leg at work.
-Yes, I accidentally hit the table with my leg and hurt it.
-Did you go to medical point?
-Yes, I did, but it was no doctor there. It was only a nurse.
-Did she examine you?
-Yes,  she did. And after that we went to emergency room.
-Was it a surgeon in the emergency room?
-Yes, it was a surgeon on duty.  He examined my leg and told me to stay at home for 5 days.
-Did they make any injections or give you any pills?
-Yes, they gave me some painkillers, but they didn’t give me any injections.
-Good, I’m afraid of syringes and needles and the things.
-Me too.
-Did they do an  x-rays? Did you have a  fracture?
-Yes, they did, but it was no fracture, just a bruise(забiй).
-Good for you. Does your leg hurt?
-Almost not.
-Glad to hear it. Ok, I must hurry.  Get well soon!
-Thank you.

Talking about the job

-Hello. How are you? What are you doing now?
-I’m looking for a job.
-What happened to your previous job. Did they fire you?
-No, I wasn’t fired.  I quit .
-Why did you quit?
-I was done with my boss.  I couldn’t get along with him.  He was annoying me all the time.
-Ok, I understand.  Sometimes my boss bugs me either(too).  What about your colleagues? Were they bad guys too?
-No, they were not that bad. We get along together well.  I miss them.
-Ok. You’re looking for a job now.  Have you found anything?
-Yes, I’ve found a couple of options.  Yesterday I went to a job interview.
-How did it go?
-It went on pretty well.  The company plans to hire 20 new web developers for a new project, so I have good chances to fit into this program.
-Do they offer a good salary?
-Yes, quite a good salary plus bonuses, plus 28 days of vacation
-Sounds good. Ok, I got to go, good luck with your new job.
-Thank you.