Friday, December 20, 2019

How to deal with vocabulary

1)   Using  dictionary(on smartphone or on your computer).

2)   Finding a word with close meaning( a synonym) .  For example:   a mug= a cup, makeshift=temporary, noodles=macaroni, a cathedral=a church, to wonder=to think

3)   Explaining the meaning of one word, using other words.  For example: dacha=a summer house with a garden around it,  sotka= piece of land 10 meters long, 10 meters wide,  gorod=a piece of land where we grow only vegetables, borsch=soup with beet.

4)   Showing of what we mean. For example:  using my own body I can show the meaning of “ankle”( гомілка),  to itch( свербіти)  and to scratch( розчісувати місце яке свербить). Using my clothes I can show the meaning of words: zipper( застібка), put on (вдягати), put off( знімати)

5)   Finding a picture on the Internet.  For example using picture I can explain the meaning of specific words like: газова колонка( gas water heater),  гантелі( dumbbell), штанга( barbell), качати прес( to curl up)…

Exercise: Using one of the abovementioned techniques, pls explain the meaning, of find synonyms, or show or find pictures  to the words:

a mug, a supervisor, an earlobe, to nag, to scratch, a button, to take a nap, to yell,  a breath, to breath, to leap, a stove, to weep, a jumper.