Saturday, November 16, 2019


 Working with movies.  Friends-1.

Part 1(from the beginning till 6:01).

Monica tells about Paul.

Monica-There's nothing to tell. It's just some guy I work with.
Joey-You're going out( йти кудись з кимось=гуляти) with the guy. -There has to be something wrong with him.

Chandler-All right, Joey.Be nice. -So does he have a hump(горб)  and a hairpiece?

Phoebe-Wait, does he eat chalk? -I don't want her to go through what I did with Carl.

Monica-Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. -It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.

Changler-Sounds like a date to me.

What is the news from Monica? How does her friends react to this news?
What does sound like a date for Chandler?

Chandler tells about his dream

Chandler-I'm in high school,in the cafeteria..and I realize( усвідомив) I'm totally naked. Then I look down and I realize there is a phone..there.

Joey- Instead of
Chandler- That's right!
Joey-Never had that one.

Chandler-All of a sudden( цілком несподівано),the phone starts to ring. -What do I do( Що мені робити)? Everyone starts looking(start+Gerund) at me.

Monica-They weren't looking(Past Continuous)  at you before?

Chandler-Finally, I figure(подумав) I'd better(I would better)  answer it. And it turns out it's my mother.  Which is very, very weird because she never calls me.

What was Chandler’s dream? Why was it weird?

Translate into English using the vocabulary from this scene:
Я подивився вниз і усвідомив що там знаходиться телефон.Цілком несподівано телефон задзвонив.  І я подумав що я краще відповім. Виявилося що це моя мама. І це дуже дивно тому що вона ніколи не дзвонить мені

Ross has come in.

Joey-He says, "Hello," I want to kill myself.
Monica-You okay?
Ross-I feel like someone pulled my intestine(кишки) out of my mouth.. and tied it around my neck.
Chandler- Cookie?
Monica-Carol moved her stuff out today. -Let me get you some coffee.
- Thanks.
Ross-No, don't! Stop cleansing(stop+Gerung) my aura.  Just leave my aura alone,( залиш мою ауру у спокої) okay?
Phoebe- Fine, be murky.
Ross- I'll be fine. I hope she'll be happy.
Monica-- No, you don't.
Ross-No, I don't. To hell with her(та ну ії до біса). She left me!
Joey-You never knew she was a lesbian?
Ross-No! Okay? Why does everyone keep fixating( keep+Gerund) on that? She didn't know. How should I know?
Chandler-Sometimes I wish I was (wish+Past Simple) a lesbian. Did I say that out loud?
Ross-I told Mom and Dad last night. They took it pretty well.
Monica-Oh, really? So that hysterical phone call from a woman sobbing.."I'll never have grandchildren," was what? A wrong number?
Joey-Look, you're feeling a lot of pain right now.You're angry.You're hurting.(тобі болить) Can I tell you what the answer is? Strip joints!(?) Hey, you're single. Have some hormones.
Ross-But I don't want to be single, okay? I just want to be married again.
Chandler-And I just want a million dollars!

How does Ross feel? What happened to him?  How did his parents react? What does Joey advice him to do? What does Ross reply?

Translate into English using the vocabulary from this scene:
-Керол забрала свої речі сьогодні.
-Та ну ії до біса!
Залиш мою ауру у спокої!
Інколи я хочу бути лесбіянкою… Я що сказав це вголос?!
Цей істеричний дзвінок вночі був чим… неправильним номером?

Rachel comes into the cafetria

Monica- Rachel?
Rachel- Oh, Monica! Thank God! I went to your building..and a guy with a hammer said you'd (could)  be here, and you are.
- Can I get you some coffee?
- Decaf( кава без кофеїну).
Monica-Everybody, this is Rachel, a Lincoln High survivor(та що вижила у школі Lincoln). This is everybody. Chandler and Phoebe..Joey. Remember my brother, Ross?
Monica-You want to tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids( подруги нареченої)?
Rachel-Well, it started about  a half-hour before the wedding.I was in the room with all the presents..and I was looking(Past Continuous) at this really gorgeous(розкішну) Limoges gravy boat( cоусниця). When all of a sudden
Sweet 'N Low?
I realized I was more turned on(я більше збуджуюся від…+пасивна конструкція) by this gravy boat than Barry. I got freaked out(злякалася) and it hit me(до мене дійшло): How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.I always knew  he looked familiar(схожий), but..I had to get out of there,and I started wondering(думати).."Why am I doing this," and "Who am I doing it for?"
I didn't know where to go, and I know we've drifted apart(розійшлися)..but you're the only person I know here.
Monica- Who wasn't invited( пасив) to the wedding.
Rachel- I hoped that wouldn't be an issue( проблема).

What happened to Rachel? Why did she rushed into the cafeteria in the wedding dress?  Why was she looking for Monica?

Translate into English using the vocabulary from this scene:
Рейчел сиділа і дивилася на подарунки коли до неї дійшло що Барі дуже схожий на голову Mr Potato.
Вона злякалася/занервувала і  почала думати: для чого я це роблю, для кого я це роблю. …Виявилося що ії більше збуджує соусниця ніж Барі.
Рейчел і Моніка розійшлися після школи але Рейчел сподівається що це не буде проблемою.Моніка зустрічається з новим бой-френдом але ії друзі є дуже скептичні щодо цього. Вони вважають що з ії бой-френдом щось не так.
Чендлер бачить сон у якому він стоїть оголений посеред кафе.

Translate into English using grammar construction:
Моніка розповіла друзям що ії новий бойфренд запросив ії на обід.
Росс розповів друзям що його колишня дружина забрала свої речі.
Рейчел сиділа і дивилася на речі подаровані на весілля.  Серед речей подарованих на весілля була розкішна соусниця.
Якби Рейчел мала родичів у місті вона б пішла до них.  Якби Рейчел любила Барі, вона б не втікла з весілля.

Part 2.( from 6:01 till 11:25)

The guys are watching TV. Rachel is talking on the phone.

I guess he bought her the pipe organ, and she's really not happy about it.

"Tuna or egg salad! Decide!"

"I'll have whatever Christina's having."

Rachel:Daddy, I just I can't marry him.I'm sorry. I just don't love him.Well, it matters to me!

"If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off."

She should not be wearing those pants.

Push her down the stairs(вниз)!

Push her! Push her down the stairs!

Rachel: Come on, Daddy, listen! All my life, everyone's always told me, "You're a shoe!(?)" "You're a shoe!" What if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse? Or a hat? No, I don't want you  to buy me a hat! It's a metaphor, Daddy!

Ross: You can see where he'd have trouble. Look, Daddy, it's my life.

Rachel: Well, maybe I'll just stay  here with Monica.

Monica: I guess we've established( вирішили, домовилися) she's staying(Present Continiuous for planned future) with Monica.

Rachel: Well, maybe that's my decision. Maybe I don't need your money. Wait! I said maybe!


What matters to Rachel? Does her Dad understand her?

What is the metaphor about  a shoe and a purse?

Where does Rachel plan to stay? What does Monica think about it?

Does Rachel need her Dad’s money?

Translate into English using the vocabulary from this scene:

Рейчел намагається сказати татові що для неї важливо. Кохання не важливе для тата але воно важливе для Рейчел. Вона не хоче бути туфлею, вона хоче бути сумочкою.  Вона вирішила залишитися з Монікою.

Rachel is recovering from her telephone talk with the daddy.

Monica: Just breathe. That's it. Try to think of nice, calm things.

Phoebe: Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens. Doorbells and sleigh bells. And something with mittens.La la la something And noodles with string

Rachel: I'm all better now.

Phoebe: I helped.

Monica: This is probably for the best.Independence. Controlling your life. The whole hat thing.

Joey: You can always come to Joey.Me and Chandler live across the hall.He's away a lot.

Monica: Stop hitting on her!It's her wedding day.

Joey: Like there's a rule, or something?

Chandler: I got it.



How does Rachel feel after her telephone conversation with her Daddy? What are the friends doing in order to help her?


Translate into English using the vocabulary from this scene:

Подумай про це: Незалежність, контроль власного життя.

Я живу навпроти( через коридор).

Припини діставати ії(клеїтися до неї)!

Це що якесь правило чи що…

Paul buzzs(rings)
Chandler: Please don't do that again. It's a horrible sound.
Paul: It's Paul.
Monica: Oh, God, is it 6:30? Buzz him in( впустіть його) .
- Who's Paul?
- Paul, the wine guy?
-Joey-Your "not a real date" is with Paul, the wine guy?
Ross: - He finally asked you out(запросив піти кудись=запросив на побачення)?
- Yes!
Chandler: It's a "Dear Diary" moment.
Monica: - Rach, I can cancel.
Rachel:- Please, go, I'll be fine.
Monica: Ross, are you okay? Do you want me to stay?
Ross: That'd be good.
Monica: - Really?- Go on! It's Paul, the wine guy!
Phoebe: Does he sell it, drink it? Or he just complains(скаржиться) a lot?
Monica: Hi, come in! Paul, this is..everybody.Everybody, this is Paul.
- The wine guy.
Chandler: - I didn't catch your name. Paul?
Monica: I'll be right back. I've just gotta(got to) go
Ross: A-wandering?( блукати)
Monica: Change(перевдягнутися). Sit down. Two seconds.
Phoebe: I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good.
Joey: Hey, Paul, here's a tip(підказка). She really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot(місце).. until it starts to get red.
Monica: Shut up, Joey!

Ross: What are you up to tonight( які у тебе плани на вечір)?
Rachel: I was supposed to be headed(Передбачалося що я буду відвезена) for Aruba on my honeymoon(медовий місяць), nothing.
Ross: Right. You're not even getting your honeymoon. Although, Aruba.This time of year? Talk about your.. big lizards. If you don't want to be alone tonight..Joey and Chandler are helping me with my furniture.
Chanlder: We're very excited about it.
Rachel: Thanks. But I'm just going to hang out( побуду) here.- It's been( has been-Present Perfect) a long day.
Ross: - Oh, sure.

Joey: Phoebe, wanna(want to) help?
Phoebe: I wish I could,(wish+Past Simple)  but I don't want to.

Part 3.( from 11:27 till 18:45)

The guys help Ross to compose the furniture.

Ross-I'm supposed( передбачається що я)  to attach a bracket-y thing to the side things..using a bunch of these little worm guys(«хвилястих штук).
I have no bracket-y thing. I see no worm guys whatsoever(жодних)..and I cannot feel my legs.

Joey and Chandler
- We got a bookcase.
- It's beautiful.
Joey-What's this?
Chandler-I would have to say  that is an L-shaped bracket.

Joey- Which goes where?
Chandler- I have no idea.- Done with the bookcase.
Joey and Chandler- All finished.

Ross-This was Carol's favorite beer. She always drank it out of the can. I should have known( should+have+3form).
Joey- Start with that, we're out of here.
Chandler- Please don't spoil all this fun.

Joey-Let me ask you.She got the furniture,the stereo, the good TV. What did you get?
Ross- You guys.
Joey and Chanlder- You got screwed(тебе обдурили).

Are Joey and Chanlder doing their job well? What challenges do they face? Do they have fun?
What is Ross doing?
Why Joey thinks that Ross got screwed?

Monica and Paul are in the café.

M- Oh, my God.
P- I know. I'm such an idiot.-I should've known(should+Perfect Infinitive)  when she went to the dentist five times a week.I mean, how clean can teeth get?
M-My brother's going through that right now. How did you get over(phrasal verb=пережити)  it?
P-He might accidentally break something valuable of hers.
M.- Say her..- Leg?
P-That's one way of doing it.I went for the watch.
M-You actually broke her watch? The worst I ever did was shred my old boyfriend's favorite towel.
P- Steer clear of you(від тебе краще триматися подалі).
M- That's right.

How is Paul getting over his breakups? Did he do it accidentally or on purpose? Why does he think that it’s better to steer clear of Monica?

Rachel talks on the phone with Barry.

Barry, I'm sorry. I am so sorry. You probably think it's about making love with your socks on, but it isn't. It's about me.And I just ….The machine cut me off again.
Anyway..I know that some lucky girl is going to become Mrs. Barry Finkel.
But it isn't me. It's not me.
Not that I have any idea who "me" is right now, but you just have to give me a chance.

Joe and Chanlder  help Ross to compose the furniture-2

Ross-I'm divorced.- I'm only 26, and I'm divorced!
Joey and Chandler- Shut up!
Ross-That only took me an hour.
Chandler-We haven't had( Present Perfect) a relationship that's lasted(тривали) longer than a Mento. You have had the love of a woman for four years. Four years of closeness and sharing, after which she ripped( розірвала, розрізала на шматки) your heart out. That is why we don't do it! I don't think that was my point!

Ross-Know what's scary? What if there's only one woman for everybody? I mean, what if you get one woman, and that's it?Unfortunately, in my case, there was only one woman for her.

Joey-What are you talking about? One woman.That's like saying there's only one flavor(смак) of ice cream.Let me tell you something. There's lots of flavors out there.Rocky road and cookie dough and bing cherry vanilla.You can get them with jimmies or nuts or whipped cream.It's the best thing to happen to you! You got married. You were like, what, 8? Welcome back to the world. Grab( вхопитися за) a spoon!(?).
Ross- I don't know if I'm hungry or horny( сексуально збуджений).
Chandler- Then stay out of my freezer.

How long did Ross’ marriage last? Why does Chanlder tell him to stay out?

 Monica and Paul in the cafe-2.

P-Ever since( з тих пір як)  she walked out on me..
M-You wanna spell it out(пояснити) with noodles?
P-It's more of a fifth date kind of revelation.
M-So there's going to be a fifth date?
Isn't there?
M.-Yeah, yeah. I think there is. What were you going to say?
P-Ever since she left me..I haven't been able to perform..sexually.
M-Oh, God! I'm so sorry. Being spit( плювати) on is probably not what you need right now. How long?
P- Two years.
M- Wow. I'm glad you smashed( розбивати) her watch.
P-So you still think you might want that fifth date?
M-Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Rachel watches TV

We are gathered here to join Joanie Louise Cunningham..and Charles.
Chachi, Chachi, the bonds( зв’язки) of holy matrimony(подружжя).
But Joanie loved Chachi. That's the difference.

 Joe, Chandler and Ross-3

Ross-"Grab a spoon." Do you know how long it's been since I grabbed a spoon?
Do the words, "Billy, don't be a hero," mean anything to you?
Joey-Great story. But I gotta go. I got a date with Andrea...Angela. No, Andrea.
Chandler-Andrea's the screamer. Angela has cats.
Joey-Right, thanks. It's Julie. I'm out of here.
Ross-Here's the thing. Even if I could (Conditionall-2) get it together enough.
to ask a woman out.. who am I going to ask?

Vocabulary exercise:
Джої та Чендлер допомагають Росу збирати меблі.  Рос сумує через те що Керол пішла від нього. Банка пива( beer can) нагадує йому про колишню дружину. Хлопці вважають що Роса обдурили.
Моніка та Пол у кафе говорять про те як подолати розлучення. Пол говорить що він випадково розбив годинник своєї колишньої дівчини. Моніка говорить що вона порізала рушник свого колишнього хлопця. Пол говорить «Від тебе краще триматися подалі».

Part 4. (from 18:45 till 23:52).

Rachel- Isn't this amazing? I've never made(Present Perfect) coffee in my life.
Chandler- That is amazing.
Joey- Congratulations.
Rachel -If I can make coffee, there isn't anything I can't do.
Chandler-I think it's, "If I can invade Poland, there's nothing I can't do."
Joey-If you feel like you have to make a Western omelet or something...Although, actually I'm really not that hungry.
Monica gets in
 Monica-Oh, good. Lenny and Squiggy are here.
 Paul- Good morning.- Good morning.
 - Morning.
- Morning, Paul.
- Hello, Paul.
- Hi. Paul, is it?

Paul- Thank you so much.
Monica- Stop.
Paul-Last night was like all my birthdays, both graduations plus the barn-raising scene in Witness.
Monica -We'll talk later.
Paul-Thank you.

Monica, Rachel and the guys.

 Joey -That wasn't a real date. What the hell do you do on a real date?

Monica-Shut up and put my table back.

Chanlder-I've got to get to work. If I don't input those numbers, it doesn't make much of a difference.

Rachel-So, like, you guys all have jobs?

Monica-Yeah, we all have jobs. That's how we buy stuff.

Joey- Yeah, I'm an actor.

Rachel- Have I seen you in anything?

Joey -I doubt it.Mostly regional work.

Monica--Unless you saw the Wee One's production of the little theater in the park?

Joey-It was a job!

Chandler-"Look, Geppetto.I'm a real live boy."

Joey- I will not take this abuse.

Chandler- You're right, I'm sorry. Once I was a wooden boy.A little wooden boy

Joey-You should both know that he's a dead man. Oh, Chandler!

Monica and Rachel

Monica-How are you doing today? Sleep okay? Did you talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling.

Rachel-I see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.

Monica-I know. He's just so.. - Remember you and Tony Demarco?

Rachel- Oh, yeah.

Monica-Well, it's like that. With feelings.

Rachel- Wow, are you in trouble!

Monica- Big time!

Rachel-Want a wedding dress?  Hardly used.

Monica-I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves.I'm going to get up, go to work, and not think about him all day.Or else I'm going to get up and go to work.

Rachel- Wish me luck!

Monica- What for?

Rachel-I'm gonna go get one of those job things.

Monica and Franny are in the kitchen.

Franny- Hi, Monica.

Monica- Franny, welcome back.  How was Florida?

Franny- You had sex, didn't you?

Monica- How do you do that?

Franny- I hate you.I'm pushing my aunt through Parrot Jungle, you're having sex. So, who?

Monica-You know Paul?

Franny-Paul, the wine guy? Yeah, I know Paul.

Monica-You mean, you know Paul like I know Paul?

Franny-What? I take credit for Paul. Before me, there was no snap in his turtle for two years.


Monica and the guys.

Joey-Of course it was a line.

Monica-Why would anybody do something like that?

Ross-I assume we want an answer more sophisticated than: "To get you into bed."

Monica-I hate men.

Phoebe-Don't hate. You don't want to put that out into the universe.

Monica-Is it me?  Is it like I have some sort of beacon(маяк, сигнал)  that only dogs..and men with emotional problems can hear?

Phoebe-Come here. Give me your feet.

Monica-I just thought he was nice, you know?

Joey-I can't believe you didn't know it was a line.

Part 5. (from 23:53 till the end   ) 

Rachel and the guys. Rachel came back from job interviews

Rachel- Guess what?

Ross- You got a job?

Rachel- Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing.- I was laughed out(Passive in the Past) of 12 interviews.

Chandler- You're surprisingly upbeat.

Rachel- You'd be too, if you found these boots on sale..(Conditional 2)

50% off.

Chanlder -How well you know me.

Rachel- They're my   "I don't need a job..I've got great boots" boots.

Monica- How did you pay?

Rachel- - Credit card.

Monica-And who pays for that?

Rachel- My father.



Did Rachel get a job? Why was she laughed at the job interviews?  Why is she so upbeat? How did she pay for it? Why Monica is not satisfied with Rachel’s behavior?  Do you buy things using your credit card? Is it ok to buy things on credit?


Grammar: Questions to the subject( підмет).

Who lives here?  Who knows the answer? Who pays for that?  Who came work late yesterday? Who composed the furniture? Who spoil all the fun? Who got screwed? 


Scene 2. The guys persuade(переконують)  Rachel to cut her credit cards. 

Rachel- Is this really necessary? I can stop charging(?) any time.

Monica-You can't live off(жити за чийсь рахунок) your parents.

Rachel- I know that. That's why I was getting married.

Phoebe-Give her a break. It's hard being on your own(cама по собі).

Rachel- Thank you.

Phoebe-I remember when I first came to this city, I was 14. Mom had killed(Past Perfect) herself, stepdad(вітчим)  was in jail.I didn't know anybody here. I ended up(закінчила тим що )  living with this albino guy who was cleaning windshields. And then he killed himself. Then I found aromatherapy. So I know exactly how you feel.

Ross-The word you're looking for is: "Anyway.."

Monica- You ready?

Rachel- - No, how can I be ready? "Ready to jump out of the plane with no parachute?" - I can't do this.

Monica- I know you can.

Rachel- - No.

Ross- You made coffee, you can do anything.


Cut. Cut. Cut.


Rachel- You know what? I think we can leave it at that.- Kind of a symbolic gesture(жест).

Monica- Rachel, that was a library card.

Chanlder-If you listen closely, you can hear a thousand retailers scream.

Monica-Welcome to the real world! It sucks.You're gonna love it.



What do the friends want Rachel to do? Is she scared? What is Phoebe’s story? What happened to her mom, stepdad and boyfriend.  Why do thousand retailers are screaming when Rachel is cutting her credit card?


Grammar: (Complex object after see, hear, feel)

I saw her dance.  I heard him scream.  I saw them cross the road



Scene 3. Monica, Ross and Rachel

Monica- That's it. Are you going to crash on the couch? 

Ross- No, I gotta go home sometime.

Monica- Are you gonna be okay?

Rachel-Look what I just found on the floor.

Monica -That's Paul's watch. Just put it back where you found it.Oh, boy! All right.- Good night, everybody.

Rachel, Ross- Good night.


Scene 4.Ross and Rachel

Rahchel- I'm sorry. Have it, I don't want it.

Ross- Split it? You probably didn't know this,but in high school..I had a major crush on you(був дуже закоханий у тебе).

Rahchel-I knew.

Rahchel-You did?

Ross-I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky(дивакуватий) brother.

Rahchel-I did.

Ross-Listen, do you think..? Try not to let my vulnerability become a factor here. Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out sometime?

Rahchel-Yeah. Maybe.

Ross-Okay. Okay, maybe I will.

- Good night.

- Good night.

Monica-See you.Wait, wait. What's with you?

Ross-I just grabbed the spoon.

The last scene. In the cafeteria

Joey- I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Phoebe- Can't believe what I'm hearing
Monica- What? I said
Phoebe-  What? I said
Monica- Would you stop?
Phoebe- Was I doing it again?
Monica-I said you had a nice butt(ass). It's just not a great butt.
Joey- You won't know a butt if it bit you.
Ross- There's an image.
Rachel-Would anybody like more coffee?
Chanlder-You made it,or you're serving it?
Rachel- I'm just serving it.
Everybody- I'll have a cup of coffee.
Chandler-Kids, new dream. I'm in Las Vegas.
A visitor-Miss, more coffee?
Rachel-Could you give this to that guy over there?
-Go ahead.
-Thank you.
Chandler-Okay, Las Vegas.I'm in Las Vegas.I'm Liza Minnelli..